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Sodium Bicarbonate

Dairy: For best results, ARM & HAMMER Feed Grade Sodium Bicarbonate should be added to a balanced lactating cow diet at the following minimums: Based on milk production, feed 0.8 ozs. per 10 lbs. of milk produced (i.e., 8 oz. or 0.5 lbs. per cow per day for a cow producing 100 lbs. of milk). These levels can be achieved by adding 30 lbs. per ton in the nonforage (grain) portion of the diet or by adding 15 lbs. per ton of total mixed ration (TMR), or 0.75% of TMR dry matter. Under most feeding conditions, additional ARM & HAMMER Feed Grade Sodium Bicarbonate maybe beneficial to increase DCAD, which is recommended to be ≥ +35 meq/100g dry matter in high-producing cows.

Poultry/Swine: Feed to poultry or swine as a source of sodium (carbonate and bicarbonate) without chloride. Include in the diet at levels of 6 to 8 lbs. per ton, depending on nutritional needs.

Beef: In starting cattle, use ARM & HAMMERTM Feed Grade Sodium Bicarbonate at a rate of 1.0% to 1.5% of total dietary dry matter for the first 30 days. After the cattle are well acclimated to the ration, reduce the feeding rate to 0.50% to 0.75% of dietary dry matter. If a high silage (high moisture) diet or highly fermentable wheat is fed in the finishing period, use 1.0% ARM & HAMMER Feed Grade Sodium Bicarbonate in the total dry matter.

Sheep/Goats: ARM & HAMMER Feed Grade Sodium Bicarbonate should be fed at a rate of
0.75% of the TMR (15 lbs. per ton).



Contains not less than 99.0% sodium bicarbonate.

WEIGHT: 50 lbs


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