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Radish - Diakon


Drill 10 Lbs. Per Acre / 15 Lbs. Broad Cast



Daikon Radish is great for food plots, winter cattle forage and soil improvements. Daikon Radish tap root looks like carrots growing to lengths of 18 to 24 inches. Deer eat both the green top and the radish itself. Daikon Radish is also used in soil improvements as well as cover crop.  Daikon Radish is very aggressive and will germinate and thrive in most soils types around the world. Great for no till food plots!

One of the biggest benefits behind Daikon Radish is its potential as a source of forage for both deer and cattle. Because the Daikon Radish is so hardy, it can thrive in almost any climate and will continue to thrive even as Winter temperatures set in. This makes Daikon Radish a popular form of cattle forage during the Winter months as well. During the Summer, it's just as popular a source of forage because of its aggressive growing tendencies, and how quickly it sprouts new leaves after being consumed. 



  • Application or Use: Pasture, Cattle Forage, Livestock Grazing, Food Plot, Soil Improvement
  • Germination Time: 5 - 7 days, under optimal conditions
  • Growing Locations: Warm Season, Transition Zone, Cool Season
  • Height: 1 - 2 feet
  • Sunlight Requirements: 6 - 8 hours, full sun for best results
  • Advantages: Handles grazing pressure well - sprouts new growth quickly.
  • When to Plant: Recommended planting time is spring and fall when night time temperatures are consistently below 65 degrees.



  • GMO-Free
  • Fast growing, will smother weeds
  • Handles grazing pressure well - sprouts new growth quickly
  • Protein levels in the top and root are better than 20%
  • Radishes aerate and loosen compacted soil, even heavy clay


WEIGHT: 50 lbs


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